Thursday, October 30, 2008

13 Random Things For Which I am Thankful

I am thankful...

...that my husband loves to garden...

...that we have a milk cow and don't have to pay $5 a gallon a day...

...that all of my kids love to help in the kitchen...

...that my kids aren't afraid to play in the rain and get dirty...

...that I had the twins after I had 7 other kids...

...for a brother-in-law who loves to carry our twins around while we eat our meals...

...that my new kitchen is big enough for four 12-year-old boys to make grilled cheese sandwiches simultaneously...

...that the babies love to play with mixing bowls while I prepare meals...

...that the babies love Cheerios...

...for family who comes to our home for Sunday dinners even if they do leave their sweaty cowboy hats on my dish hutch...

...for the beautiful set of dishes from Guadalahara my mother-in-law gave me...

...that my sister, Kristin, and I were able to plant pansies in my mom's hanging baskets after dad's funeral...

...that Mexican pottery is so cheap!...

What are you thankful for?

I am pleased to list the post @...
Grace Alone's "Thankful Thursday"
"Thursday Thirteen dot com".

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  1. oh what a happy the twins coz I have a twin brother too.nice photos! Happy TT! mine is up now.

  2. What a great post!! Big families are awesome!! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Oh I'm so glad I found your blog through TT!

    We are a large family too and love it!

    We have 7 children and soon to be 8 - 6 came to us through Int'l adoption. God has built our family and it has been one amazing journey over the past three years!

    Your post today is beautiful! I love seeing all of your children together enjoying one another and helping! That picture says more than anything to family and friends who can't imagine, don't understand and want to poke holes in what God has built.

    Blessings to you!
    In His grace,

  4. Wow, your pictures say it all! I'm really impressed with your huge watermelon, your milk cow, your amazing kids, your huge kitchen, your lovely plants...A lot to be thankful for! Happy TT!

  5. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing your pictures and your thankful heart with us.

    Blessings to you and your wonderful family today!

  6. Great things to be thankful for- but yuck, a sweaty hat on your hutch- you are a patient woman :-) Happy TT!

  7. Wonderful post! I love that your kids will play in the rain!

    BTW, I gave you an award over at my blog, check it out!

  8. WOW, that one dish is beautiful, the full set must be amazing, You are blessed with a good mother in law I think.

  9. I love all 13 random things and you're very lucky. I will think of the 13 things and probably post them on my blog later. Thx for sharing your wonderful family. Take care.

  10. You have such a wonderful family. I wish I had a milk cow, lucky you! Great TT.

  11. One thing I am thankful for is you Jen. I am thankful that we have become family! I love your family and think you have done an awesome job. I can't imagine how exhausted you are at the end of the day. You are amazing! Love the post!

  12. That is so sweet! What an awesome family you have! I love it :)

  13. Love your blog. I have 10 kids and am so thankful each and every day for my big, crazy family. We also live in a rural area and I can relate to your photos. Very cool!

  14. What a sweet and beautiful post, a good reminder for me today to quit thinking about the hard things in my life and think about all the things I have to be thankful for! Thank you Jen.

  15. i'm thankful for dear and inspiring friends!!

  16. What a wonderful list of things to thankful for!

  17. Your blessings are all beautiful and bountiful. Thank you so much for sharing! I truly enjoyed your post. Happy Thankful Thursday to you.

  18. I love your thankful post! The pictures are so great.. what a blessing those children are.

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  19. Wonderful post. I love the grill.

  20. i'm thankful for mascara and corn fritters today! great tt!

  21. What a great post, I love the pictures! I love your mexican pottery and dishes and your kitchen!!

  22. Right now I'm most thankful for great friends and great family!

  23. What wonderful things you have to be thankful for! I bet they are all very thankful for you too!

  24. how beautiful! Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing today:)

  25. I loved your post!

    And thanks for commenting on my blog-- I've been visiting yours for a week or two, and LOVE IT! We could totally be friends. (I'm trying not to covet your awesome kitchen and farm life!)

    I hope your little guy is doing much better. Thanks again! :-)

  26. I was the 7th of 9. Talk about fun. How are you holding up? lol

  27. You have a beautiful home. I love that kitchen. I only have one little son but I'm so thankful for him.

  28. Totally jealous!! That fresh milk looks AMAZING.

  29. what a beautiful family and a beautiful home too.Big families are really wonderful.


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