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Nothing says frugal to me more than a multi-purpose item. Rather, three multi-purpose items. Take a look at these beauties...
These are three baby blankets I had made for the twins. It all started when a friend of my mother's presented her with two large baby blankets to give me when the twins were born. They were much bigger than regular-sized receiving blankets and sported beautiful hand-crocheted trim my mom's friend paid a lady to add. The only thing that bothered me about them were the ducks. Now don't get me wrong. I like ducks. There are nothing wrong with ducks. However, because I enjoyed these blankets so much, they were ALWAYS with me, whether wrapped around one of the babies, thrown over my shoulder or folded over my arm on the way into church. One day as I sat looking at one particular duck taking a bath while wearing sunglasses, I said to myself, "Self, why couldn't I buy beautiful fabric, cut it to the size I want and pay the friend of my mom's friend to hand-finish the edges?" An idea was born and once I finally got up the gumption to go to Walmart and buy the fabric, my idea took wings.
The crochet lady charged me only $20 to hand-crochet each of the 4'x6' blankets and as you can see, they turned out beautifully.
These are not your typical flannel or fleece baby blankets. I specifically purchased 100% cotton and had her crochet only one layer thick as I knew the babies would be swaddled snugly in these blankets during the heat of the summer. I bought three, so in case one needed to be washed, I would still be able to sport the other twin in his matching blanket!
As I said at the beginning of this post, these blankets are multi-purpose. Obviously, I use them to swaddle the babies, like this...
I also find that these are excellent nursing blankets. The babies are at a stage where they love to grab and pull every thing their little hands can reach, so it is very difficult to keep a blanket over them while nursing. These blankets are so long, though, that it is a challenge for them to pull it off if I have it draped behind my back. I either use them as a wrap while breastfeeding, like this...
...or they can simply be laid over the key components to ensure modesty, like this...
Other uses for these blankets:
-Impromtu tablecloth
-Sun shield
-Peek-a-boo toy
-I've even used them as a wrap-around skirt at the pool, like this...
I've often wondered what I would have done had I not known someone who could crochet an edge like this...
I'm sure I could have stiched on some kind of decorative add-on or simply folded the hems over and zigzagged them, but I sure do love her handiwork!
And there you have it....my big, beautiful baby blankets!
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Very cute!
Those are beautiful and so versatile! Thanks for sharing!
Karen made me some when I had Camden and I swear by them! The little ones just don't do their job!
I like the patterns and colors. What a good idea and lovely handwork. The size is great too. Nice,very nice!
Love those blanket! you are very creative! I love the pictures of the darling baby men!;)
I love it! You are so funny....especially love the wrap for the pool. Very sleek and stylish!
I love them. I made some by just sewing lace around them. I guess it's easier for girls....
Those are wonderful! And perfect for those BIG BEAUTIFUL EYED BABIES!
I learned how to crochet an edge like that just this year. Come to Colorado and I'll show you how!
Those are wonderful! I love objects that have so much meaning in them. Can you imagine if you had just bought boring, generic blankets from a bargain bin??
By the way, I've tagged you! Go here for info: http://simplethings1.wordpress.com/2008/08/29/seven-things-about-me/
Love the blankets, but you need what's called a Hooter Hider-a nursing cover. It has a thing that goes around your neck and your babies can't pull it off. They are a little pricey, but worth every cent. You can get them online or in boutique shops. I have one and don't know how I nursed three babies without it.
.. well, you could learn to crochet them yourself and have TONS of blankies and baby gifts!! I bet you'd love doing it!! The blankets are lovely. I have a nifty device that punches holes in the fabric to make it easier to crochet around... it gives such a nice touch!
WOW, you are the queen of versatile! I LOVE the ideas of what you did with these blankets! SO smart and they are so pretty!
What beautiful blankets! Awesome idea! :)
Those are gorgeous! I would have loved to have had larger baby blankets when my daughter was small.
Oh my goodness, I love those! They are so cute and they don't look too thick at all, I have a 7 month old right now that used to love to be swaddled, but they always grow out of their blankies :o(
Thanks for sharing this.
These blankets are beautiful, and I would have loved to have these with my oldest three babies. Since I am pregnant with my fourth, I think I will look into getting someone to make me an over sized blanket. And my mom crochet's, so this would be perfect for her. This is a really good idea, and I love the fact that they can be used as nursing blankets. I have breastfed all three of my oldest babies, and the little blankets that I was previously using didn't offer much coverage. Thank you so much for this post.
Take care.
What incredible blankets! An inventive way to make them so versatile! Great post!
Lovely blankies...
and blue for blue Monday!!
Your blankets are so comfy looking!!I want to learn how to crochet..thanks for sharing them with us..
We have the same taste!!! when I went to India, I bought a blanket identical to the one with branches, same color, same pattern, and used on my couch, until it tore :(
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