The problem is...sometimes I use the TV to keep them and the toddler entertained so I can create some semblance of order in our home. And sometimes....just sometimes...I even commit the unpardonable sin: I let them watch TV while I blog. I know, cast me into the lake of fire and brimstone. So much for my nomination for mother of the year. I feel terribly guilty about this and I can almost imagine them getting dumber and dumber (or so the experts say) as they absorb each pixelated image into their little sponge brains.
So what do you think? What would you do in my circumstance? Let the house go to pot and think of all manner of creative, wonderful ways to entertain the threesome ...or... would you let this mindless babysitting go on while you sweep and mop and cook, okay...and blog? Perhaps the phrase "moderation in all things" would be applicable here, but how much is too much? I'm so confused. Please help!
(What was that flashing light behind us?)
(Do you mind? We're trying to watch Nemo here.)
(Watch this. I'm going to show you how to set off the van alarm. Mom always gives me lots of attention when I do this...)
P.S. Their favorite movie is Finding Nemo and I rationalize that the bright colors and motion are stimulating to them and they could, potentially, be getting smarter each time I push play. But, you know what they say about rationalization... :( (Answer: It's the devil's tool. That's what they say....about case you didn't know.)
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How funny! Your kids are adorable! I love your posts :)
LOL!!! You do have a problem there! I can see your crown slipping all the way over here!! No help here, just laughing at, um, WITH you!
I probably should NOT be the one to post here, but... I have to admit to the same sin. My little guy loves Dora and Diego (none of my other kids ever liked those, hmmm) and I let him watch them pretty much every day for an hour of time to clean or do whatever I deem as "worthy" for me to spend that time on. I have to confess to blogging during that time also. Shame on us! But maybe there is a prize like runner-up mom of the year? :)
Okay, let's be realistic and honest. "Sometimes" implies occasionally, occasionally means not all the time, so sometimes is okay as long as it's Disney or such (you know good stuff) for them to watch. I remember mom putting me in front of the TV as did yours probably so she could clean the kitchen, do the ironing or run the vacuum and I grew up to be a college graduate. Just make sure to pepper it with plenty of other activities that use their brains and get some sunshine too!
Ha - you are too funny!
I think it is just a sign of higher intelligence - that they are grasping what is going on sooner that most. But, of course, I can be accused of being a prejudiced Dad.......
Your Hubby.
Oh - are we NOT supposed to let them watch TV?? Crud.
I think a little TV isn't going to hurt them and will help mommy's sanity so it's win-win thing.
Fish are friends, NOT food!!
Whoa - Nemo touche the butt!
I'm guilty as charged sometimes too. In fact, we're scaling back because it kind of took over. When my 2 1/2 year old threw a full blown tantrum one day when I turned the tv off for awhile, I realized that I had crossed that invisible line. lol. I think it's alright, as long as it isn't an excessive thing.
BTW, Nemo is one of MY favorite movies. Give me some fin...noggin....duuuuddee.
I love your posts. And my TV rule goes along with the moderation in all things. I try to remember that staying sane as a mom is equally as important as your kids' intelligence levels. So, I'm just joining the rationalization bandwagon. At least we're all in good company, right? :)
is that what's wrong with my kids? Oh, wow, thanks for telling me now!
When my kids were little and we lived in the desert, it was much cooler to stay inside then to let them melt in the heat of the sun. So unless we went outside at 7:00 AM or after 7:00 PM they didn't go out a lot. TV was our friend.
I think most of the turned out OK. I got a few questions about some of them! LOL
If it saves you mom, go for it!
I'm sure not going to judge you or take your name off the list for mother of the year! You've still got my vote!
Oh, and I loved what your DH said...he's such a wise man! :-)
My 9 month old doesn't show any such interest. He may glance at the screen occasionally, but he would far rather put lids in the towel drawer and towels on the kitchen floor.
However, I must say that when my older kids were 3, 2, and 1, I used to let them watch Barney for half an hour many times a week for my sanity. Yes, it made me feel guilty. But then, I tend to allow myself to feel guilty over a lot of things that probably aren't necessary.
When do I clean and blog? Even if you spend an hour a day cleaning while your little ones are occupied with Nemo, isn't there still more to do? Cleaning is a never ending chore that gets squeezed in here and there. And, of course, never gets done. Blogging is fun, but I also squeeze it in here and there between lunch and cleaning or late at night. I often don't finish an entire post in one sitting!
Ya do what you can do! Blessings to you.
I think (like the other commenters) occasionally is OK. We all do it or have done it. My kids turned out all right and I´m sure yours will too.
Don´t feel guilty!
Personally I think it is fine. I know you are a good judge of what they should watch. Look on the bright side their attention span is getting longer....hahaha. I agree with several others that moderation is the key. I will admit that my kids watched more tv than they should of when they were younger...yikes.
I don't know about you but I remember my mom ploppin me down infront of the TV with Sesame Street on while she was cooking (or doing other mum-dane tasks) and I turned out ok- I
Just kidding...Well if you look at the PBS Sprout and Nick Noggin channels they're aimed at pre-schoolers (and younger)so al TV can't be too bad...I mean, it's not like your letting them watch CSI or HBO all the previous posters have said- in moderation...
Sounds like something I would do. And have done. Don't fret or beat your self up. I say let them sit in front of the TV for a bit. While you get a few moments of sanity time for your self. Or if you want use that time to clean up something that makes you feel good. Your doing great.
We did not have the tv on much for our boy during the first two years, my husband read that kids under 2 are in harm being exposed to tv. But that from a man who, by his own account, was raise at times by the tv. And let me tell you he turned out just fine. I have really bad tv reception, and do not watch much on tv, for that reason we let him watch a tape once in a while. Also, this way you know when it is over, and there are no commerciall interuptions. At least the kids will learn to sit thrue a movie. And if this is used once in a while and does not turn into a passifier for the boys, I think they will be fine. And at the end of the day, you have your sanity as well. It is pretty amazing for them to sit still like that at that age.
Good luck,
Mom in CO
Bryan never watched TV until Sheridan was born. He was 18 months and I was desperate! My mom swore my kids watch waaay too much TV and it was going to stunt any creativity they may have. Well, anyone who knows Sheridan knows creativity is not a problem. In fact, I probably should have had the TV on while she was sleeping to tone her creativity down a bit. Bryan's not as bad, but still quite creative and loves to read, is good at math and sports. To the point, relax!!! And baby einstein videos are great!
We got a Baby Einstein video as a gift when our twins were 5 mos old, and they LOVED it. In fact, as they got a little older (and more hyperactive), letting them watch it at bedtime was about the only way they could relax enough to sleep.
I'd have to agree with the "moderation in all things," and there are a lot of educational videos and shows on tv too. So, that's my rationalization ;).
Ooooh! Take advantage of it! My boy won't sit in front of the TV!
So funny - I guess I should not admit that I would give my right arm if I could get my 2 year old to watch tv - seriously
I have this same problem with my 10 month old! She even loves watching football! She's completely entranced by the TV. I have often felt guilty for putting her in front of it so that I can read a book or blog or do dishes or eat. There's really only so many ways to keep a child entertained right?
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