Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm Feeling Like It's Time for a Flirty Aprons Giveaway!

There's no need for too many words, but just real quick look at the ones I have...


I'm going to wear the one with pearls when I host my sushi party!

For this giveaway, you can pick whichever apron at Flirty Aprons dot com you like! Here's how to enter...

Post this giveaway on your blog, Facebook, and/or Twitter, leaving a separate comment for each post. You can do this every day, once a day, again, leaving a separate comment each time you do. If you're going to blog this, here's some easy HTML code you can just copy and paste to to your HTML compose page...

Your post will look like this....

"Jen at 11th Heaven's Homemaking Haven is giving away a Flirty Apron!


"Go HERE to enter!"

For additional entries, follow me via any or all of the following methods, and leave a comment for each method you choose.

There. Easy, right? And if you want, let me know which apron is your fave! Hope you win!

Contest ends at midnight MST on September 23rd, so hurry!


Julianne said...

I posted about it on my blog! What cute aprons!!

Michelle said...

I have posted to my blog. Yay I love flirty aprons!!

Moriah Simonowich said...

Hi there,

What a lovely giveaway! :)

I posted about it here:


P.S. My favorite apron would have to be the frilly black and white one in this post. :)

Monica said...

I posted about this giveaway!

Monica said...

I follow your blog :)

Amy @MoMomma said...

Ok, I SOOOO need an apron! I just tweeted your giveaway! Sugar and Spice or Sassy black are my fav :)

Michelle said...

posted again!

Pink Slippers said...

Love the aprons! Hope I win....

jill funkhouser said...

I follow your blog!
I would love one of these beauties as a gift to myself!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

i posted on my blog!

Jerelene said...

I posted on my blog...and on my facebook page too! I love all your aprons but the pink one is my favorite!!
Thanks for doing a giveaway..that is very sweet and thoughtful:)
Blessings, Jerelene

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this Giveaway. I really need a new Apron, and I think these new ones are pure Glam!
I don't do fb, nor do I have a Blog, but I hope I'm in with a good chance to win!

Michelle said...

Another post!

nightowl said...


winit6 at hotmail dot co

nightowl said...

I Like you on Facebook.
Kimberly B.

nightowl said...

I follow you on twitter
winit6 at hotmail dot com

nightowl said...

Email subscriber of yours.
winit6 at hotmail dot com

nightowl said...

I subscribe via Google Reader.

nightowl said...

I follow you on GFC as nightowl.

Michelle said...

I follow your blog :)

Michelle said...

Posted again...

Ladytink_534 said...

I'm a GFC follower: Ladytink_534

Ladytink_534 said...



Ladytink_534 said...



Christina said...

I posted a link on my blog:

Paula said...

I love Flirty Aprons! Just got one for a gift, but I'd really like one for myself! I just tweeted! (LillaRosePaulaR)

Paula said...

I am a new follower on Twitter! (LillaRosePaulaR)

Barbara said...

Tweeted about it!!/winterbabe98/status/112329449344729088

twitter follower winterbabe98

barbs562 AT gmail DOT com

Barbara said...

posted on Facebook!
barbs562 AT gmail DOT com

Emily Nicole said...

I posted about it on Facebook! These are adorable aprons!

~Emily N.

Emily Nicole said...

I follow you on Twitter.

Emily Nicole said...

I also follow your lovely blog.

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter!

Niecey said...

I love aprons!! I posted on my blog about your giveaway!!