Hi Everybody!
I just wanted to thank you so much for
Now this does NOT mean that the twins are acually identical. (For more info on that, click on the sepia photo of Joseph and Hyrum on the top of the sidebar.) We will never know unless we get genetic testing. And I would have to host a walk-a-thon or something to raise the funds for that. The results of this poll actually have no life-changing consequences - it was just really fun to see how many people cared! Thank you all! In fact, to show my gratitude for your participation, I am in the process of coming up with a contest (I'm totally hooked on blogging contests now) so that I can give away a really cool prize. Stick around for more details in the upcoming week! But here are a couple or three hints.
Any ideas what the prize will be?
I would LOVE to win a trip to the beaches of Mexico, but you really need to get some sleep! Posting blogs at 1am....what are we going to do with you?!?!
No idea what the prize will be! But I can't wait to find out!
I guess it doesn't really matter if we know if they are identical or not...they are still twins! :-)
Jen- I need a "How To" on How to fold your fitted sheet by yourself. I am no good at it, and HATE doing it!
I have no idea...but if it makes you feel better my trips to Wal-Mart are never under 30 minutes either.
Is the prize going to be that guy???
Is the prize going to be that guy??
A trip to mexico to visit you!
When are you coming home??? We miss you and your cute family.
What the bugger are you doing up at 1 in the morning? Are you going to send me to Cancun if I win your contest? Or a trip with Wally? Did you ever think of renting your kids out to your sister so she doesn't have to take Wally on a trip or would that hurt his feelings?
OOoohh a trip to Mexico? Count me in on that! Too bad most contests are for US resident only! But understandable....
I really love your blog and hope you continue entertainung us!
Hey...thanks for the nice comment. Someone in class the other day asked if I was losing weight, I'm not but my body has changed a lot. I've been afflicted by several random illnesses/injuries over the past month, starting with the stomach flu, then all other kinds of crap, and now an ear infection. So all the work I've done to get to "hunky" status, as you call it, is going by the wayside as I haven't been running much. Oh, well, if it's not one thing it's another. But I'm still going to try to run a marathon in December and I'm still going to keep running as a hobby because I enjoy it....anyway, sorry about the dissertation, I just wanted to say thanks.
That looks like many trips to Walmart I have had- my twins just like that in the cart and me pulling another behind. Now that they are bigger and grumpier- I don't go to the store with them (unless it is for just a few items, than I might) and would rather go at midnight (which I have done) than during the day or evening with my crazies in tow! :)
I can hardly get through walmart with my one blue eyed baby. I can't imagine how many people come and stop you with 2 BABIES!! This area seems to LOVE babies, even men stop and ooh and ahh.. (which is a little odd to me)
WOW! I found your blogon Mormon-Blogs.com :) and I am very glad I did!!! :) Very Cute BLOG!!!
Jen...tell me where you are going and that will narrow down the prize options! hehe really where are you guys going?
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