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YOURS: This week's "YOURS" goes to Mama Rika at CompleteLee Blogger. She shows us how to turn these...
...into "Banana Bread for Noble Monkeys"! Thanks for the great recipe, Mama Rika! To see read her entire post, click HERE.
MINE: Our mothers teach us many things. My mother taught me that you go to church every Sunday, even if you don't feel like it, that abortion is wrong and that oatmeal is good for you. Among many other things, she also taught me that you if cut warm brownies, fresh from the oven, with a regular metal knife, the brownies will often stick to the knife, gripping brownies pieces as it cuts, and you'll be left with a very messy pan of brownies. To prevent this, she has discovered that if you use one of these...
...a disposible plastic knife, for some reason, the brownies don't stick to it and you get a perfectly cut pan of brownies every time. I truly wish I had some photos of this to show you, but I didn't have any plastic knives. I even sent the eight-year-old boy across the street to grandma's to borrow one, but she didn't have one either. I don't usually keep disposible dishes around the house, but I usually try to have at least one plastic knife in a drawer for this express purpose. I guess I'll need to pick up a package next time I'm at Walmart. Anyway, I hope you will file this tip away for future use because I can guarantee you'll be happy you learned it. I know I am. Thanks, Mom!
OURS: Okay, it's your turn! I can't wait to read what is going on in your homemaking world today. Also, I need to let you know that even though I am not always able to comment on your posts, as I usually read them when I'm breastfeeding, I truly enjoy and appreciate them! Keep up the inspiration!
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Monday, January 19, 2009
Homemaker Monday: How to Cut Brownies (It's Harder Than You Think...)
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Neat tip, never heard of that before. Truth be told, the brownies are gone in a matter of minutes and nobody cares what they look like. If I was actually taking them out somewhere I would definately use this tip. Thanks
I don't bake brownies often for this reason. I will try your plastic knife idea next time.
Great tip! I never knew. Then our family we have the "fork theory". That's a cut as you go theory where after mom the diabetic cut the 1st brownie out of the pan she wouldn't be having another, so dad who just wanted a nibble and then son did too and they would just leave the fork in the pan so they could "even the edges" as they go - no knives needed. LOL
Awesome! We always used plastic knives too, but so we didn't scratch Mom's nonstick pan. Now I know what to use with my glass pan. Thanks!
I know about using plain dental floss to cut cake, but I'll have to remember to try this next time!
I have a favorite brownie recipe too. I don't make it very often but when I do it cuts pretty easy. But then I don't cut it when its warm. I slid it onto a cutting board and use my big knife.
I didn't know this! And I do have plastic knives! Now I just need to make some brownies and try this tip out properly:)
I wrote my post to this as well but it says mr linky is broke would like to add my link though
and thanks for the great tip about the plastic knife and brownies
Hi Annie!
Sorry about Mr. Linky. He often has problems! I added your link once he came back up so thanks so much for leaving it here. I'll look forward to reading your post!
Great tip! I love your blog :) Thank you for hosting homemaking Mondays!
We do that, too! Well, not me so much. Because when the brownies stick to the knife or pull little chunks, the mess has to be cleaned up somehow and since I was the one who madde the mess ...
Now I'll have to make MORE brownies! If only I'd heard of this two days ago when I made 'em and cut 'em with a metal knife, and then found myself tempted to lick the knife... because all of that brownie goodness would be otherwise wasted.
But plastic knives? That would NEVER have occurred to me. Thanks for the tip!
I love your blog!! I just entered a fun meal that we made last week and the kids loved!!
I am so happy to know this. Can't wait to try it!
Thanks for featuring me this week. Sorry I missed posting a link this week. I was out and about most all of the day--by myself! (A rare luxury.) See ya next time. :)
Great tip, since I've never let a single pan of brownies cool before cutting :o)
No reason to buy a plastic knife, though, just grab one the next time you pass through any fast food place, or the prepared foods deli at your grocery store.
Victoria :o)
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