Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Excuses, Bloggy Buddies and the Quickest Breadsticks Ever!

Here it is, 10:46 on Monday night and I STILL haven't posted my Homemaker Monday tip. What kind of blog carnival host am I? I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I am going to save my tip for next Monday and post my usual recipe blog I like to do on Tuesday. I don't think I would have been such a slacker were it not for a couple of awesome bloggy friends I have. Let me just add here that I actually did write my post on my laptop while I was sitting in the courtyard watching the three babies play. However, one of the twins pushed the other off a stair and as I hurriedly put my laptop down, I somehow deleted the entire post! To add insult to injury, a few minutes later the toddler locked us all in the courtyard. I sat there for 20 minutes thinkng what I should do, then remembered that I hadn't locked the back gate and opened it and went inside. Yeah, it was a fun morning. Anyway, because you probably won't get to read my blogging friends' sweet comments, I would like to share them with you here. CompleteLee Blogger said, "Works in progress always happen when you have a large family, don't they?? Thanks for the carnival." How understanding is that? Kim at Forever Wherever said, "Life is busy and I think you have your priorities straight! I'm sure no one would mind if you didn't have a post today." Again, a super-understanding comment. Danielle Ice from Homemaker Barbi said, "As always, thank you for hosting this linky for us all! I want you to know that we really appreciate it. Have a great week!" Doesn't it just make your day when someone just lets you know they appreciate you? I'm surprised I got any comments today at all, but I just had to share these with you to let you know how much I appreciate all of my blogging friends. I do have some real life friends, too, but I really don't get out much because of the twins and the toddler and because I opt to let the teenaged boy have the car at school so that he can make the five trips picking up kids at different times, rather than me doing it. I have come to look so forward to reading your sweet comments every night before bed and it's been wonderful to get to know so many other women out there who work hard and simply want to do the best they can for their families. I salute all of you!

With that, here's a recipe that I think will make your life a little easier....

Quick and Easy Breadsticks

Ingredients :
2 1/2 cups warm water
6 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 cup oil
6 cups whole wheat flour
6 tablespoons vital wheat gluten
5 teaspoons yeast

Here are the easy directions...

Step 1: Mix the water, yeast and brown sugar in the mixing bowl of a mixer with a dough hook. Let it sit for about ten minutes, or until the mixture is foaming, like beer (not that I would know what that looks like, being a Mormon and all).

Step 2: Add the remaining ingredients and let the machine knead the dough for ten minutes. If the dough is too firm, add a little water during the mixing process. If it's too soft, add a little flour.

Step 3: Divide the dough in half, then in half four more times (You should have 32 pieces) and roll each piece into a stick about 9 to 10 inches long and 1/2 an inch in diameter. Place these on two greased cookie sheets. It's okay if they're close together.

Step 4: Let rise for about 20 minutes, or longer if you can.

Step 5: Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic powder and salt, then bake at 375 degrees for 10 to 20 minutes.

Here's how they turn out...

Let me explain why I love these breadsticks so much. First of all, they are animal product free, which definitely works for me. Second, if you're like me and don't decide what's for dinner until 5:30 at night most nights, this works out really nicely as it can be started and finished in less than an hour. Third, these are fresh, homemade breadsticks and kids and husbands, especially husbands, really, really appreciate homemade bread for dinner! Fourth, there is no white flour, which means no empty calories, which means you are doing something that will make your family healthier. So yeah, these are the best!

Can I just share one more thing? Today it was a little chilly outside for the first time in about two weeks (great day to get locked outside in the courtyard, right?) However, the babies have gotten used to spending much of their mornings outside, so we couldn't let the cold stop us. A lady I work with was here this morning and I asked her to hold the twins while I went to find their beanies. They had never, EVER let me put anything on their heads before, so this was a long shot, but I guess they appreciated the warmth the beanies provided. Aren't they the cutest things ever?...

Just had a mom moment there...Thanks for listening! See you tomorrow hopefully!

And now for the Daily Feature - What I ate today (in case you care...)

Breakfast: Almond butter and raw honey on manna bread (recipe on left sidebar)
-almond milk (recipe on left sidebar)

Lunch: Homemade flax chips with beans and guacamole
-frozen blueberries

Snack (at a Mexican restaurant): A shrimp cocktail made with avocados instead of shrimp at my request
-chips and salsa

Dinner: Two breadsticks (recipe above)
-a couple of asparagus
-spinach salad with strawberries, grapes and sesame seed dressing

This post is part of Katie's...

Check out TONS of great recipes there!

I am pleased to list this post @ Biblical Womanhood's "Frugal Friday". Check out her blog for TONS for great money-saving tips!
I am also pleased to list this post at...

-Tip Junkie's "Talk to me Tuesday",
-5 Minutes for Mom's "Tackle It Tuesday",
-Tammy's Recipe's "Kitchen Tip Tuesday",
-Blessed With Grace's "Tempt My Tummy Tuesday",
-Mary's "Tightwad Tuesday",
Kim's Tasty Tuesday and
-The Lazy Organizer's "Talk About Tuesday".

If you liked this post and would like to join me here on a regular basis via email or other reader, please...

(You'll be helping to pay for at least one of the nine kid's college tuition.)
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Tasha said...

These look great! I love that they are whole wheat, they are on my list to try for sure.

SnoWhite said...

whole wheat!!! thanks. they look awesome.

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

OH MY! Those look delish! Love bread!!! Too bad its so bad for my thighs. :(

Canadagirl said...

Those look sooooooooooo yummy. Thanks for the recipe ! I am glad you got out of your sticky situation with too much trouble. Isn't life with boys great. [0;

It is also really nice to be loved.

Blessings in Him<><

Brenda said...

Looks like they would be great with a nice salad, yummmm

Lydia said...

I have read your blog for a while now and thought I would leave a note. thanks for the great whole wheat recipes, got to use those zillion # 10 can up somehow.

Kaycee said...

I love baby hats, my kids don't like to wear them either. Those beanies are cute.

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

I love breadsticks!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad everything worked out for you yesterday! It's seems like one of those days you can laugh about later. You were so sweet about my comment!

The twins are extremely cute!

Now, to the breadsticks...
Yum! I love bread so breadstick are way cool! My family does freak out about bread at dinner, but that's mostly because I don't make it very often. I need to work on that.

Thanks for the great recipe!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you got through your Monday!! Lets hope the rest of the week will be better for you. Breadsticks look yummy. Thanks for sharing recipe.

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I'll definitely have to try those! I am notorious at not starting dinner until my husband gets home from work after 5pm. Not because I'm out and about though, just because I have a hard time finding free time with my two little ones at home. Thanks for this!

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you so much for this recipe! They look delicious - I'm going to print out the recipe and try them soon. I'll be back for some of your other recipes that caught my eye on your sidebar.

Off to make lunch (you made me hungry); have a lovely week!

Kind Regards,

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

Oh my , what a Monday morning you had. Thanks for sharing your recipe and linking up to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.

L2L said...

So this is perfect timing for me. I am trying to get back in the habit of using whole wheat instead of white flour in my baking, can't wait to try them out. And I think you made a fabulous call in waiting. I wish I had that wisdome more often, lol

Dreamer said...

We always love breadsticks. I could eat nothing put those dipped in spaghetti sauce for dinner. Who needs pasta anyway. You always have such wonerful recipes, thanks for sharing!

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Dreamer, I'm right there with you on eating nothing but breadsticks dipped in spaghetti sauce. In fact, that's exactly what I did last night! Who needs noodles when you have whole wheat breadsticks?

Unknown said...

I am going to try those breadsticks this week. I am always looking for a good recipe. I always decide to try and make them at the last minute.

Thanks for sharing.

Tori said...

I read your comment over in Blog Segullah about the New List and it really touched me! Thank you!

Tori said...

forget that last comment! SORRY! Too many windows open at once. What a goofball I am!!!

I love your blog so far, though! Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, those breadsticks look yummy. I love that they can be made so quickly! Thanks for sharing. ;-) Amy

Jessica said...

Where would one get vital wheat gluten? Funny to think I'd need to BUY it, since two weeks ago Dh was tested for Celiac's Disease and I thought gluten would go OUT THE DOOR!

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Jessica, I have seen vital wheat gluten at my Walmart in the flour section. If you can't find it there, you should be able to get it at a health food store. Good luck! P.S. I'll have to learn more about Celliac. I've been hearing a lot about it recently. Thanks for the question and good luck!

Katie said...

I was hoping to make these this weekend but don't have vital wheat gluten yet. I'm willing to go 1/2 and 1/2 on the whole wheat -- what's your experience with success without the extra gluten?

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Katie, I haven't made this particular recipe without the vital wheat gluten, but in my other recipes, I have found that the bread can turn out rather dry and crumbly. Also, I think you should take a leap and go all whole wheat. I promise, these bread sticks are so good with nothing but whole wheat and you won't feel any of the guilt associated with white flour! Whichever way you decide to go, let me know how it turns out for you!

Katie @ Kitchen Stewardship said...

I finally tried these, and I had made it to the store and bought gluten for the first time. I figured I might as well not risk the experiment to try it without! The dough is wonderfully easy to work with (I used 4 cups regular whole wheat and 2 cups white whole wheat). I made hamburger cabbage pockets with it and froze half of it for hamburg buns later. Hopefully that works out okay! Thanks for the great recipe!

I was looking to see if you had a homemade tortilla recipe on the site, but I couldn't find one. Do you?

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Hi Katie,
Unfortunately, I don't have a recipe for homemade tortillas. Living in Mexico, I am lucky enough that when I want fresh, homemade tortillas, there is a lady I can hire to come over and make them for me! I can practice my spanish in the process, too! You've got to love Mexico! Also, I'm so glad that your recipe turned out so well. It sounds really great the way you used the buns! I look forward to "talking" to you again soon!

Katie @ Kitchen Stewardship said...

Thanks for linking up with the carnival! Better late than never! ;) Sorry I stalked you so badly, we just love these breadsticks (although I totally failed when I tried to freeze them as dough).
