Wednesday, February 17, 2010

That you might know the heart of the 13-year-old boy...

Last weekend, the 14-year-old girl had the entire basketball team over for a sleepover. Needless to say, the 13-year-old boy wasn't invited. However, due to a chronic case of insomnia, he woke up at 3:30 in the morning and prepared this breakfast for the mass of giggling, screaming, blushing girls as they slumbered downstairs...

Several things impressed me about this preparation....

1. He cleaned up his mess, putting all of the waffle ingredients away and wiping down the island.

2. He set out plates and forks.

3. He had the forethought to place a knife on top of the peanut butter jar to facilitate spreading.

4. He stacked the waffles so very neatly.

5. He set out not only the old bottle of syrup, but a new one as well, knowing that the giggling girls would surely run out.

13-year-old boy, you impress me!

And now, that you might know the heart of the 18-year-old boy. His facebook status on the day of the sleepover...

"11 girls under 13 years old... somebody save me."

Thanks for listening.

On 365 Days of TV-Free Toddler Time today:
It's "Go Fetch" Time! Click the pic to see.


Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

Anonymous said...

Love It! I am inpressed with him...WOW SO COOL! Those girls were lucky. It is awesome that he could do all that by himself you are such a good example.

I saw your 18 year olds facebook status and thought it was funny.

singlemormonchick said...

that is AWESOME. i am bursting my buttons for you. i have known my share of 13 yr old boys and no matter how sweet they are, i dont think any of them would have went to that trouble. looks like you are raising a good man. we need more of those in the world.
also-the next time you want to kill him, remember this random act of kindness. the life you save might be your son's. :)

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed! What a sweetheart your 13 year old boy is. Some young lady us going to be very lucky someday.

alessandra said...

I'm very impressed, what a precious boy!

Lisa said...

That has to be one of the sweetest things I've read in a while:) To think he got up in the wee hours and did of these days he'll be a great father and husband.

Shana Putnam said...

That is really cool. Not many would think about doing that!

Sammy said...

Your son is so sweet and thoughtful! Not to many teenage boys would do that for their sister and her friends. You are raising some very loving boys. Even though the 18yrold's had a different thoughts to the night, haha.

Cheryl B. said...

Okay, so now I'm getting off of here to go fix myself a waffle .... I was trying to decide what I wanted ... yes, I can be influenced by pictures sometimes, espically when it comes to food o;-p

The thirteen year old boy won double bonus points - one for preparing EVERYthing, the second for leaving no mess behind :-D Go him!!!

As for the eighteen year old boys facebook status quote - A- typical, and yet, actually nicer than some I've seen.

Remember, the thirteen year old boy is only becoming rather interested in girls. The eighteen year old boy IS interested in girls, But his taste in girls (thankfully) do not include fourteen year old ones full of giggles and coy glances his direction.

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Cheryl, about the 18-year-old boy, yes, thankfully!

Karen said...

That was so sweet of him! Don't you just love it when our kids do something so simple but amazing?

Panamamama said...

I am so impressed! :)

Amanda B. said...

that's great! love it!!! :)

Beth at Aunties said...

You brought me many smiles this morning. So perfect for each age group.

13 year old boy impressed me greatly. You must be a wonderful mom who does all those special touches for your family:)

I raised 3 great sons and and 18 year old son made me laugh.

Connie said...

Dang! What a're doing a great job, Jen!

Anonymous said...

that is so sweet!

C said...

That is so like him!! I love that 13-year-old boy. The post brings tears to my eyes. Such a sweet thing to do, and so much went into it.


Bethany Cox said...

aw i'm getting all teary eyed.

Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart!