Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How to Cure Hiccups...

I love being in the presense of old people. There is such a wealth of knowledge they can impart that cannot be partaken of in any other way. Below is a photo of my 95-year-old grandma...

I know I posted this photo a few days ago, but I wanted to make sure you didn't forget her face as I would like to share some of her wisdom here today. What she taught me has changed my life and the lives if those around me.

My grandmother taught me how to cure a case of the hiccups. Here's how...

Step 1: Fill a glass with water.
Step 2: Pinch your nose with your thumb and forefinger.
Step 3: Drink the entire glass of water while pinching your nose.

I know there are a lot of wive's tales out there on how to cure hiccups and I'm sure I've tried them all, but this remedy has never....ever....failed to work for me and my children. Try it and let me know what happens. Best of luck!

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heidi said...

Sienna (my 9 year old) SWEARS by this, as well. She's wise beyond her years.

Love that pic of your grandma and the twins. What a treasure!

Anonymous said...

I've learned lots from my grandma. She's in her 80's. The older generation has so much common sense knowledge!

My kids like a spoonful of sugar. I don't know how it works but it does for them.

I on the other hand have to take 10 small sips of water. Breathe in as you sip and exhale as you swallow. For adults only. :D


Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

What a priceless picture.

Hiccups: We use a spoonful of peanut butter followed by some water - it seems to always work too!

Shoebee said...

My favorite never fail cure is to drink water from the opposite side of a glass, you have to kinda drink upside down to do it, but it works for me. Love the pic, gotta love twins...mine are 8 now.

Kathryn said...

Thats really cool. Now I can't wait to get hiccups so I can try it.

Shauna said...

Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving :) ♥ Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I dont usally get hiccups but one of my sons does. I am glad tolearn of this remedy. Thanks for sharing.

Love the pic.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I love that picture of your grandmother! I don't mind that we've seen it before. It's precious.

I'm popping by from Thankful Thursday to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!



The Quintessential Magpie said...

P.S. I'm thankful for the cure she gave you and that you shared with us! XO, Sheila

Rhonda said...

I love the elderly! they have so much to offer if we'll only sit down long enough to take it in.

the only thing I've ever tried that works for hiccups is breathing into a paper bag with it tightly fitted around the nose and mouth. ALWAYS WORKS! BUt just as an experiment Im going to try your grandma's suggestion next time.

Mrs. Homemaker said...

Actually, this one I would definitely believe would work! Hiccups are spasms of your diaphram, so cutting off the air like that with the pinching and the drinking would kind of jolt it back to normal... Works for me! ;-)

Hesses Madhouse said...

Cool! I'm going to try this next time one of gets hiccups.

Anonymous said...

Please share more remedies from your grandma she knows much more. You can see that just by looking at her eyes.