This is a set of dishes from Guadalajara my mother-in-law gave me. They are perfect in my hacienda-style home...
...and a close-up...
Next we have a set of dishes my mother gave me a few years ago. I love how she chose burgundy and blue instead of just one color. The centerpiece was purchased for me by my husband in Juarez, Mexico. I love it...
This set was purchased for me by my husband for mother's day a couple of years ago. Again, the chile motif goes so well in our home...
These are my grandfather's dishes in combination with the Guadalajara cups, along with place mats purchased on sale at Steinmart...
And finally, the kids under eight table. We used miniature park benches and the coffee table. Their plates or napkins haven't been set yet in the photo, but because they are under 8 years of age, they had to use paper...
So there you have it. If you took pictures of your Thanksgiving tablescapes, let me know. I would love to drop by and take a look. I hope you all had a wonderful day and that we can all remember to have a thankful heart every day.
I am pleased to list this post @...
Kelli's "Show and Tell Friday",
The Barefoot Mama's "Feminine Friday",
Between Naps on the Porch's "Tablescape Tuesday",
Cielo's "Hopeful Friday",
Biblical Womanhood's "Frugal Friday",
Canada Girl's "Friday Show and Tell",
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
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What an awesome set up! Happy Thanksgiving! ♥ Hugs!
The tables are beautiful - almost too good to eat off of! Happy Thanksgiving!
Wow you are one blessed lady! A beautiful kitchen which I must show husband. ( we want to do the tile floor and I love your cabnets. I also love the way you mix textures. Brick, floor tile, tile, wood, all so well done.)And a lovely collection of dishes each with a story to tell. Be sure to write it down and put it in the dish hutch for future generations.
I love it. What lovely dishes.
Gorgeous tablescapes!!
Beautiful! Hope it was a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Beautiful Jen! I hope that your day was wonderful!
when i grow up, i wanna be YOU!
hope you had a lovely thanksgiving! i'm STILL full, but not so much that it kept me from enjoying the cold stuffing i had for breakfast LOL!
Everytime I see pictures of your home I have to admit, I kind of overflow with jealousy. It really is gorgeous. And I LOVE your idea of using different sets of dishes on each table. Beautiful tablescapes!
Great job Jen! It's all beautiful! I bet the food tasted as great as the environment looked!
Sweet! Somebody call the Food Network!
Lucky! I really like all of them. What a good collection. Sounds like your house was full...what fun!
They are so gorgeous! You are wonderful to set such a beautiful table with REAL plates. Unfortunately I always feed my crew with paper plates.
Wow, I love your decor and your table settings!
Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL!! You did a marvelous job of putting that all together! It looks amazing! I love that you had different themes at different tables ~ and I LOVE your decor!
Okay- THAT is awesome. I can't even imagine having a tablescape. Our stupid plastic ware doesn't even match. Someday I will have beautiful dishes. Someday.
If the food was even half as nice as the ambience, you must have had a wonderful meal.
Oh how very beautiful! If someone from Good Housekeeping or one of the home decorating magazines could see this, they'd want to do a photo spread on you! :-D
This is all so beautiful and you can just feel the love and good times about to happen!!
Thanks for sharing,
Your place looke beatiful. I would love to do something like this i think it would be such fun
I love your table settings and enjoy your blog so very much. I find your blog uplifting and inspirational - thank you
How lovely!
Martha Stewart move over!
So how many came to your dinner?
Because of Jesus, Bobbie
Very beautiful. Martha Stewart has nothing on you! Love the under 8 set up. Many, I was soooo happy when I finally got to sit at the adult table! lol.
Gorgeous!! and WOW 32 people?!?! You are amazing!
Stopping by on my tour of the Photo Story Friday posts. Gorgeous photos! Each one looks like it is in a really cool restaurant! Are you sure when you said "fantasy" you didn't mean "nightmare"? 32 people at a dinner in my home sounds like my own personal hell...but that's just me. Great photos!
So cute. I love it. Sounds like you all had a grand time.
Wow! Nice! We have the same number when all of my family gets together, but we have to go to the church because we don't all fit in anyone's house. How wonderful to have such a large home!
My favorite thing of all was the blue centerpiece bowl your hubby's BEAUTIFUL!!!
Your entire post is amazing in every respect. My favorite was the benches for the children's table. What a wonderful and practical idea. Beautifully done.
32????? OMGosh!
Your tables are beautiful but I can hardly tear my eyes away from your's awesome!
I have also posted pics of my Thanksgiving table...come see!
You are one brave soul! It looks like you had it all under control. The tables are all unique and very pretty.
I have not visited your blog before, and I am absolutely in love with your kitchen! Your tablescapes are pretty too, but that kitchen looks like a magazine picture. I'll be back to see more. laurie
Ahh! Your hacienda looks fabulous and I loved all your tablescapes! How wonderful to be able to serve 32 people in your beautiful home.
Beautiful! The dishes are all amazing! I feed about 35 for Thanksgiving, too! third year in a row, so I can identify with you. :) ~Rhonda
Wow, 32 people. I was tired with 6! Each table looks very pretty. I love the little benches for the kids table. Darling.
I can't imagine feeding 32...what fun it would be to have such a large family for dinner! Love the chile motif china...what a great gift! Your kitchen looks amazing, too! Susan
Amazing job and so beautiful too! :)
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