Welcome to the 73rd weekly edition of...

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YOURS: Today's "YOURS" goes to Stain-Removal-101 dot com! I swear this has to be the most interesting stain removal site I have ever seen. Listed here is a stain-guide removal chart from A to Z. Ever wanted to know how to get out apple stains?
Baby food stains?
....or Carrot stains?
Go no further! This site lists common stains, and how to fight them, from A to Z! I am definitely bookmarking this website and will probably be referencing it on a daily basis! To view the entire A to Z list, click HERE. Thank you so much, Stain-Removal-101, for linking up to Homemaker Monday! Please feel free to grab the "I Was Featured" button on my left sidebar and we hope to be hearing more about stain removal from you on a regular basis!
MINE: Here is some inspiration to help motivate you to write a list when you pack. If you'll remember last week's Homemaker Monday, I wrote a comprehensive list of the items I would need for our two-week road trip...with all ten of us in attendance. Doing this is not characteristic of me, but more like something my ultra-organized husband would do. But this time he didn't....he got too comfortable and confident...and unbelievably, he forgot his church shoes. He was thus faced with the choice of wearing his brown faded suede sandals with his gray church suit and tie, or borrow some of his brother-in-law's shoes, which were a half size too small. He opted for the latter option, but because the closet was dark, and because his brother-in-law could be considered the male Imelda Marcos of shoes, according to his children, he ended up at church, unawares, in these two shoes...
When I asked why one shoe had a tassel and one did not while we were sitting together in a meeting, he looked down at his feet, and began laughing, silently of course, because we were in church, so that just his shoulders moved and his face broke into a huge grin and his eyes wrinkled around the outsides, and he said through his silent laughing that he must have put on two completely mismatched shoes.
In his days of yore, before he met me, when he would have spent over $200 on a bottle of cologne, this would have been completely unacceptable and inexcusable. Now, 4.5 years and 9.5 kids later, after his silent laughing ended, he smiled and simply said, "Okay, I'm going to my next class now. See you when meetings are over."
The moral? No matter how confident in your packing skills you are, always write a list!
P.S. The 17-year-old boy and his cousin just looked over my shoulder, asked what I was blogging about, acted disgusted that I was blogging about my husband's mismatched shoes, and stated that if I wanted people to be interested in my blog and to think I was cool, I would blog about how the Cowboys won 17 to zero. There....blogged. I hope you think I'm cool now, but maybe not.
That is a fantastic story :)
Seriously guys, the story about the mismatched shoes is w-a-y more interesting than the cowboys football game!!!!!!
Jen and John, I can just imagine how hard it was NOT to chuckle out loud!!! Glad I didn't have to refrain from it!
I made a list, everybody was 'suppose' to be checking it thrice ... got to the out of state hotel for son #1's wedding last fall, only to find son's 3 and 4 as well as their father (aka: my husband - the grooms dad) had forgot their dress shoes and only had WHITE tennis shoes with them 8-/ They were all in the wedding, wearing the three piece suits I had got for hardly anything at Salvation Army (although nobody in attendance had a clue about that!! :-D) Was unable to stay on my proposed budget for the weekend what with having to buy three new pair of men's sized dress shoes ...
I had remembered EVERYTHING - including all of the layers of the cake, the stand, etc. o;-p But before I brag too much .... the next time we went, yea.
....but, if he had written the list, he would have missed a good laugh and...the boys don't know anything about your target ;-) and you ARE cool :-)
I think mismatched still beats the sandal option:)
I had to giggle about the teens. My sons keep asking me all the time, "I guess your going to blog about this now?"..lol
Thanks for featuring my site on your blog today! I really appreciate the shout out. Love reading you, and I am just about to grab my button to show my pride that I was featured. Thanks again!
Haha! That's awesome! :)
what a hoot!!! :) Funny how having a family changes people- usually for the better. :)
i am a 1st timer for homemaker monday. i think i followed the directions correctly.... i posted your graphic on my blog, so i should be all set. let me know if i screwed it up! :)
He is such a good sport. What a good laugh. I have done that before but I had my kids there to shake their heads and laugh at me...LOL
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