Monday, December 1, 2008

Super Lemon-y Sheet Cake!

Ever since I bit into my sister-in-law's lemon meringe pie on Thanksgiving day, I have had a craving from something lemony. Where did I go but to find the perfect satisfier. Here's what I found:


3/4 cup butter
1 1/4 cups white sugar
8 egg yolks
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup lemon juice

3 cups confectioners' sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice

2 cups confectioners' sugar
1/4 cup lemon juice

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease and flour a 13 x 9 pan. Mix together the flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.

In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolks one at a time, then stir in the vanilla and lemon juice. Beat in the flour mixture alternately with the milk, mixing until blended.

Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.

To make the hot lemon glaze: In a saucepan, combine 3 cups confectioners' sugar and 1/2 cup lemon juice. Bring mixture to a boil and cook for 1 minute...

Keep mixture warm until ready to use.

To make the Icing Glaze: In a small bowl, mix 1/4 cup lemon juice and 1 1/2 cups of confectioners' sugar. If mixture is too thin, add more sugar until desired consistency is reached.

Johnny helped with this step. Here he is innocently stirring the lemon juice into the powdered sugar. Just look at his little angelic face...

(After getting this shot, I realized how dirty his face was, so I subsequently scrubbed him down for the following shots. He does look much better...)

Here is a full body shot of his attire. Isn't he debonair with the turtle neck, swim trunks and cowboy boots?

Here, you can see he has succumbed to temptation and had decided to test the recipe...

He's very pleased that his mother hasn't stayed his hand and is looking forward to a palatable delight...

Here's how lemony the icing really is...

Assemble the cake: Pour 3/4 of hot lemon glaze over warm cake while it's in the pan, like so...

(As you can see, I also tried this recipe in a regular cake pan, but had bad luck getting out of the pan in one piece. Either way, though, it was lemony delicious!)

Let cake cool for 60 minutes, then remove from pan. Reheat the remaining hot lemon glaze to the boiling point, then brush glaze onto the top and sides with a pastry brush. Using a fork, drizzle Icing Glaze over cake. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

Get ready to pucker!

I am pleased to list this post at...

-Tip Junkie's "Talk to me Tuesday",
-5 Minutes for Mom's "Tackle It Tuesday",
-Tammy's Recipe's "Kitchen Tip Tuesday",
-Blessed With Grace's "Tempt My Tummy Tuesday",
-Mary's "Tightwad Tuesday",
and -The Lazy Organizer's "Talk About Tuesday".

Check out these blogs! You're going to love 'em!

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Anonymous said...

Not really a big lemon fan but that Cake looks Yummy! That Johnny is so adorable. His boots are too cute. The puckered face shot made the post. What a good helper you have.

Rhondi said...

The cake looks good and I see you had a lot of helpers.
Just wanted to let you know I won't be posting thankful Thursday for Dec. I'm only home 7 days all month! Hope you have a great week!
Hugs, Rhondi

Anonymous said...

That looks DELICIOUS!!!! ahhh now I need some lemon cake. ;)

Rhonda said...

I wonder if that is a similar recipe to Janette Johnson's. She made us the very best lemon cake I've ever tasted when I was pregnant with Benjamin. I am now a lemon-cake lover!

Mrs. O said...

I love lemon - you've just reminded me of a delicious lemon poundcake recipe that I need to make.

Great picture of the lemon pucker-power

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

That looks like a GREAT recipe! LOVE lemon anything! OH MY, I LOL'd at that 'lemon taste' picture! LOL

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

I love the lemony kinds of desserts! yum. Just wanted you to know that Mr. Linky had a major melt down, today. I am re-posting everyone's links for TMTT. Thanks for participating.

Carla said...

Love your helping hands! (gone are the days when my boys look 'cute' in mix matched clothes-if you looked at my FHE post, my Mike (on the left) is in his church shirt, and shorts-goober:)

Katy said...

his lemon face is just toooo cute! hehe!

Amanda B. said...

Yum! Can't wait to try it! I love lemon cake!

Grammy said...

oh that looks so good, I need to move in with you.

Anonymous said...

What a cute bunch of pictures! I'm sure you had fun with that project.

Aisling said...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promised to make a tray bake for an event a friend is catering for on Saturday and had absolutely no idea what to make. this will be perfect! Now I don't need to spend ages looking through books and recipe sites!

Anonymous said...

That cake looks fabulous, I love lemon! The photos of your helpers are so adorable!

SnoWhite said...

I love lemon -- bet this delicious!!

Erica said...

i love a good lemon cake and this one looks moist and delicious. :)