That's what happens when the 16-year-old boy (shown here getting ready to knead some bread dough. Stay tuned for more on that next week. Also, there is nothing I can do to get him to let me take a face shot of him)...
...helps the 8-year-old boy unpack boxes that have been in storage for a year and a half, and comes across one of these...

To get to my point, the 16-year-old boy was generously helping me by holding a twin in his left arm, which, in and of itself is usually not an unsafe practice. However, he became so excited about encountering his brother's sword, that he began attemping to practice and perfect his pull-out-of-the-sheath technique as he coordinated it to the sound of the sword. Perhaps it was at this time that he forgot the exact position of Joseph's head and smacked him directly between the eyes, as seen above.
Joseph was not happy, but it only took a few seconds of me carrying him around and glaring at Conor to cool him down. Conor felt bad, too, very bad, but we all had to admit that it did make a cool sound upon coming into contact with Joseph's forehead. Sorry little buddy. Hopefully that will be your first and last sword fight!
Incidentally, the photo of Joseph above was taken two days after his injury. I really don't know why he was scowling so. And Hyrum couldn't let him get all of the glory. He wanted to get his picture taken, too...
Thanks for being here today. It seems so long since I've posted due to two sick twins, moving into our new home, and keyboard problems! I've missed you all and it's great to see what's going on in your lives even if I'm not able to make comments due to the slowness of typing one-handed as I breastfeed. See you on Homemaker Monday!
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Boy! Lots on your plate lately!!! I hope the twins are feeling better and I never told you how AMAZING I thought your kitchen is! It is breathtaking!!!!
Oh poor little guy. So glad your back!
Poor kiddo!! And poor almost grown man.
Cameras have LOADS of fiber. *nods*
So sad. You moved in! That's exciting!
Oh poor baby. I like your blog. I'll have to backtrack on some of your posts.Have to come back and read more. have a great weekend.
Poor kid....but that is just the start. I am very glad to hear from you. I was starting to worry. I hope the twins are feeling better and you are getting rest this weekend. Love ya
ooo, breastfeeding one handed typing? Gonna do a post on that? Not many little men earn their war wound so early! LOL! Congrats on the move, hope the twins are feeling better, yea for 16 yos that make bread, and enjoy cool sword sounds! Boo for WACKING the baby in the head. I hope your not going to let him live it down! (It maybe the only leverage you have:)
oh I remember the breast feeding one handed typing - I was quite adept - even with my left hand!
( I have never had to survive sick twins - I cannot imagine that! )
Hi there Sis! I am LDS too. I am glad to have found your site. I am so pleased to find out that most of the women who really LOVE homemaking are LDS or other strong Christian. I looked for homemaking books, and all of them in print are by LDS women except 2! One by an LDS man from the 70s. Can I add your link to my new blog? Its not anything as nice as yours but its about homemaking at ? If no, let me know, ok? Notice my "I am a child of God" on my main blog? I got that from the same place you got your template, so i think that lady must be LDS because she also has "Families are forever" and 2 or 3 other LDS slogans. Keep up the good work!
Oh no! Glad to hear he made it through the ordeal ok :).
LOL about those last pics, I have a ton just like that, almost every time I pulled out the camera at that age (and still pretty frequently w/ my 3-yr-old) my guys wanted to grab my camera. Maybe to eat it (yum!), maybe just to slobber all over it, haha :).
Hope the kids are feeling better. I am so glad those days are over for me. But with my daughter moving closer I will get to see them again with her kids.
Have a wonderful week.
Ahhh the price you pay for having lots of testosterone around your place. We got that too. Lots of scars to prove it. ;)
we had one of those..too! and I thought it was a pretty neat inventon also..but I never smacked anyone in the head over it! LOL ;D
JDaniel's cousins taught him how to sword fight. Now paper towel holders are swords.
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