A few days ago while visiting my mother, I was feeling overwhelmed with my responsibilities. It was only 1:00 in the afternoon, I had just put Johnny, the 2-year-old, down for his nap, and both twins were fussy. My bright idea? I brought a thick cotton mattress protector outside, laid it down on the cement patio, sat the babies on it, filled two sippy cups halfway with water, and sprinkled raisins and shredded wheat cereal between the babies.
As usual, Hyrum is very much enjoying it and expresses his feelings for the camera...
Joseph is focused on the task at hand. No time for smiling.
Let's see what happens when one finger goes in the mouth...
Still, Hyrum's happy and Joseph? Maybe.
If one finger is good, how about two?
Again, Hyrum is loving it, Joseph not so much.
How about once you guys have downed a few shredded wheat squares?
Good for Hyrum, not so much for JoJo. ( I have no idea how Hyrum's hair got like that.)
Let's try the sippy cups!
Hyrum loves it. Joseph is just okay to examine the cup.
How about if you guys DRINK what's in the sippy cups?
Hyrum can smile while drinking. Joseph doesn't attempt it.
What if you guys try to drink the sippy cups upside down?
Hyrum's enjoying every minute of it...
Joseph's not.
Will Joseph ever smile?
How about if I get on the mattress pad and try to get him to crawl to me?
There we go!
This kept them busy and dirty for about an hour and they were ready for their clean-up and naps upon returning inside. I'll have to remember to have shredded wheat and raisins on hand!
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Oh my gosh, Jen!!! That is SO cute. I seriously could just nibble on Hyrum. lol They're too adorable for words! I LOVE IT!
I agree! They are too adorable. I love Hyrum's smile but Joseph's lifted brow is so cute too. I Hope you get a little nap during that 14hour shift!! ~ You are AMAZING ~
Ha! Ha! I just love these boys! They are so darned cute. I think you're amazing with all you do! You're doing an amzing job helping us ALL out here be uplifted and better by what you offer us with your blog. Thank you!
I really don't know how you do it. I am overwhelmed by my ONE baby. Very cute pictures!
What adorable kids!!! I just want to give them lots of hugs and kisses! So cute!!!
What beautiful babies! I am partial to Hyrum's name, too. Gorgeous!
I am also a mom to 9. You should stop by sometime!
Very entertaining, Jenny. Those two are cute enough one on one, but juxtaposed, you could write a children's book about them!
hmmmmm wish I'd have thought of that when my twins were that size! How awesome! Love the army kids pic too! :)
What precious little angels! I love these pictures! You are so blessed!
They are gorgeous! It's so funny how twins can be so different! :)
Great idea, adorable babies. And Jen--if you lived about 600 closer, I'd deliver Lime & Salt popcorn to you EVERY week!
600 miles, that is :)
They are too cute! I love of little things entertain them so well.
Such a good idea! Though if they are HUGE crawlers, do you think they would stay put? I am storing up things to do when my second baby is born in a couple of months.
Oh how cute. How much fun you must have had. I love the photo's!
This week our 4 month old got to eat cereal for the first time. He loved it.
Don't you just love these milestones?
Thanks for sharing your boys with us.
Many Blessings,
D and I just got a huge laugh out of this post!! Love it! Love it!
D thinks he has a claim on discovering that Hyrum smiles more, haha!
They are so cute. What a great idea.
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