Lots and lots of kids...

Best friends...


("Okay, um, I'm gonna go to the locker room now...")


The autumn evening chill...


The plays...

The win...

The recap (and the sweat, about which Grandma could care less...the sweat that is)...

The team...

The spirit of the game, and of The Lord...
(Might I ask that you make sure your volume is turned up for this and if you are a sentimental Mormon lady, you might want to get out a box of tissue.)
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Thank you for sharing, Jen!
My speakers are not working I'm going to have to get my labtop out and listen....I've heard it's touching.
Such a great post and a very clear picture of our football games...a family event! I did use the tissues...I do every time I hear them sing it. They are really great boys!!
Love the sharing of the refreshments. WAY TO GO LOBOS!! What fun nights.
Ohhh that was so wonderful!!! Oh I did indeed get teary eyed. Such wonderful young men. =)
That looks like a fun time!
I have, I guess a mormon question. I thought Mormons always wore shorts/skirts at least to the knees and capsleeved shirts as a modesty thing but the cheerleaders were wearing fairly short skirts and sleeveless shirts. Thought I would ask. Thanks, C.
C, you address an excellent point. The dress standards you describe are exactly the dress standards my family adheres to. The way the cheerleaders dress at our school is something I disagree with. I have had talks with my daughter about this, and we both agree that they dress unnecessarily immodestly (I say unnecessarily because they aren't in a swimming competition or a diving competition, or even a track meet, where one might need to wear clothing that is more revealing), and we have agreed that she will never try out for the cheerleading squad, for this and other reasons.
Thank you for your question, C. I hope I've answered it sufficiently.
Looks like a lot of fun! :)
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Thanks, take care!
Jessica http://aspiringdomesticgoddess.blogspot.com/
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Hope this helps!
is the school a lds school? Wish we had something like that here in san antonio. We did have a kimber academy for a little while.
Thanks so much for your answer. Just a further question, I always understood that to be the standard dress code in the lds church, moreso once someone enters the temple. If that is correct how does the school respond to this, that it's ok for high school girls to be immodest but once they are married/ enter the temple they can no longer dress that way. I understood your answer according to your families standards but how would the school answer that? (I went to a Lutheran Christian high school and asked them the same type of questions, no sleeveless shirts/ or anything above the knee was allowed but cheerleaders could wear that and wear their uniforms to school but they could never answwer) Thanks so much.
Thanks so much for your answer. Just a further question, I always understood that to be the standard dress code in the lds church, moreso once someone enters the temple. If that is correct how does the school respond to this, that it's ok for high school girls to be immodest but once they are married/ enter the temple they can no longer dress that way. I understood your answer according to your families standards but how would the school answer that? (I went to a Lutheran Christian high school and asked them the same type of questions, no sleeveless shirts/ or anything above the knee was allowed but cheerleaders could wear that and wear their uniforms to school but they could never answwer) Thanks so much.
C, I'm really not sure what the director of the school would say if I shared my feelings. I have actually been counseled by someone I admire to share your comment with the director, though, and I think I will. FYI, my sister was also completely shocked, using the words "mind-blowing and extremely disappointing", when she saw what the young women were allowed to wear at the football games. Thank you again for your comment, C.
Linda, yes, our school is an LDS school. As far and I know, it is the only church-sponsored junior high/high school on the planet. We feel so lucky to live here!
That was so beautiful!
Cheer is a physically demanding activity that requires clothing that allows for ease of movement, not unlike ballet, gymnastics or, yes, even track.
This is the cheer squad for "The Lord's University" BYU Provo. http://www.byucougars.com/cheerleaders/2006_2007.jsp
Anonymous, thanks for your comment. When I opened up the link you gave me, my 14-year-old daughter was looking over my shoulder and her exact words were, "Wow, those skirts are really short for BYU!" I believe the girls could wear stretchy cap sleeved tops and longer skirts. Just my opinion.
...Interesting dialog. We must assume then, that your children do not, and will not participate in sports, which require uniforms above the knee, ect?
Anon, I agree, interesting discussion! Fortunately, I have not had to deal with this issue. My daughter plays basketball, and her shorts are down to the knees. Most of her teammates also wear t-shirts under their tank jerseys. My sons are in football, so that is a no-brainer. I think sports attire above the knee is fine, but not all the way to the bum! That photo you linked to of the BYU cheerleaders actually disgusted and shocked me! Especially the girl in the middle with her leg up in the air!
Like I said, I think in some sports, such as swimming and diving, it is necessary to wear attire such as a swimsuit, but truly, I think the cheerleaders at our school (and at BYU, now that I see what they wear) could be more modest.
Oh, and P.S., my daughter and I have already agree that she will not ever be on the cheer leading squad because of their attire and other reasons.
I must say I was surprised at the uniforms of the cheerleaders. Being raised around the Mormon church I was always lead to believe that modesty was a very important virtue for young women.
My best friend was never allowed short skirts and always kept her shoulder covered...guess times have changed, which in my opinion is too bad, modesty should never go out of style.
Inadvertent Farmer, it is comments and feelings like yours, from people not of the Mormon faith, as one of the top reasons I feel like our cheerleaders need to dress more modestly. I do not believe their clothing represents the standards of our church. Thank you for your input!
I saw your post on Blogfrog at McMamma's about cheerleading, that is now closed.
At my sons' school, cheering is a coed thing as it is at a lot of private boarding schools (George W Bush was a cheerleader!) The girls wear pants as well, but it gets very cold here on football nights in the Northeast.
Our town rec teams have cheerleaders who are all girls who start at very young ages and they all wear the itty bitty short dresses. Tradition, I guess.
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