First, I love it when you are sitting and having a conversation with someone, and apparently, they think you are so interesting that they turn their whole body towards you to listen better. This makes me feel great.
Second, I love that the 9-year-old boy and the 7-year-old girl sleep on the floor of the 13-year-old boy's room every night, right by his bed, and listen to him read them stories. They seem perfectly comfortable to sleep there all night with only a thin blanket laid on the fake wood laminate flooring, another thin blanket over them, and a pillow, like two little spaniels, or labs, or chihuahuas. So cute.
What are your favorite things? I would really like to know...
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I love it when my kids use their best manners with one "thank you" and "please"...makes my momza heart smile!
I Love hugs and kisses from my kids and hubby and a stack of fabric that I have picked out for a new project.
I love it when the kids come home from school and want to tell me every single minute of their day. Right away. Without taking any breath at all.
I love when my oldest son says "Yes Ma'am" to someone without me prompting.
I love when I go to check on the 3 and 6 year olds and find them in the same bed, heads on opposite ends.
I also love when my husband has a GOOD day at work.
I LOVED how all four of our adult sons willingly commited to helping us with the retreat Labor Day weekend, B1 even coming to town to do so. And at one point in time, when B1,2 & 4 were sitting around a table in the dining hall, laughing together while all three of them were prepping different things, and B3 was over at the church building running the sound for the meetings .... I felt ever so blessed!!!! And at a different point in time of that weekend, when all four of them and my husband, and my brother were all out working the grills and having a jolly time doing it ... I LOVED it!!!
I love being a grandma!!! And when her threee month old face breaks into a huge beaming grin, my heart just sings while it's melting!! ;-}
I love how this morning my husband INSISTED that we needed to go on one of our 'Friday date days', stating that we've been too busy and missed too many of them lately. To look up in the mission store and see him watching me from several rows over - I LOVE it!!!
I love how one girlfriend when asked, stated she'd love to help me in the kitchen Labor Day weekend - and she knew what she was in for, she use to help me every Memorial Day weekend with a similar type event. And I love how at the event, a different girl friend {who's husband was in charge of the event} declared that she needed to be in there helping us, and wouldn't let us talk her out of it!!! And with her sassy comments and laughter showed that she had finally finished taking down her 'wall' and fully accepted my offer of friendship. True friends like those two are just an amazing blessing.
I loved when as I was drying off after my shower this morning, I could hear Booo's toenails on the kitchen flooring, and then I heard the baa-bump of the tennis ball outside the bathroom door - he'd heard the water shut off - now it's time to play!! ;-p
I LOVE when off their own accord, one of the sons will thank me for making dinner, or compliment me on the dinner ;-}
I LOVE how God LOVES us so much, that he made ever so many things for our benefit/enjoyment. Things such as: the wonderous taste of foods! The beauty we see in nature! The love we can recieve from animals. The comfort we can feel in a simple thing like a hug. Etc.
I love it when my little one (who just turned 1) gives me that "I love you" smile. I also love to go on date nights with my husband... and did I mention I LOOOVVEEE to shop :)
I love that my 5 year old and 3 year old want to "do my hair". The feel of their tiny hands trying to do something with my hair, including pulling it out, to make me look great is so fun. "Oh, mommy! You look so pretty!"
Last night they unloaded 1/2 a bottle of hairspray in one spot!
I wanted to let you know that I gave you a blog award Stop by The Neuff to pick it up.
I look forward to having kids someday. Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving that comment, becoming a follower, and helping me to remember a lot I had placed out of my mind. You are truly a missionary, thank you for helping to strengthen my testimony once again just by living the gospel.
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