Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Remember When I Told You How Ridiculous My ChristmasTree Looks?

....as per THIS POST? Well, when I do my midnight snack run to the kitchen, it doesn't look so bad.

I guess I'll keep the twins. Thanks for listening!


NatureGirl said...

Ok, but if you change your mind...I'll take em!

Amanda B. said...

somehow, when the house is quiet, they always look so much better! :) (love the midnight snack run..... :))

Amanda B. said...

By they, I meant "the christmas trees", but I guess you can put "kids" in there and it is still true!!! ha ha! :)

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Amanda, that made me laugh! True, there is almost nothing more beautiful than a sleeping baby, for more reasons than one!

Cheryl B. said...

I was going to state pretty much what Amanda did. Good job girl ;-}

Like your now newest posting, the tree too is all in your perception. Why is it that the right perception is often such a hard thing to keep in focus? With the cookies, how you 'percieve' them really isin't that important. But yet the tree is. Why? Because the reason it is the way it is is due to the children, and their antics, and the demands they put on us, etc.. And all of that combined can just wear a person down/out.

But lots of areas of life are that way. Thus the reason it is SO-O important to keep adjusting our focus. We need to make sure we visit our Lord the octomotrist often for focus adjustments.

Can ya tell I'm dealing with some focus issues of my own? o:-) Praise the Lord He is there for us!!!

Olivia's Mommy said...

A family I know buys a bag of bows every Christmas and places them under their tree to keep the little ones (toddlers) away from messing with their tree and it has worked for them the last 5 years. So instead of pulling ornaments down they play with the bows at the bottom of the tree instead. Thought I would throw it out there..LOL

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Olivia's Mommy, that is an amazing idea! I am going to have to try that next year when we have our 9 month old crawling every which way!
Thank you!