This Popsicle recipe is the easiest thing in the world...
Either make or buy strawberry yogurt with live acidophilus, pour it into Popsicle molds
I made 20 of these, because I happen to have a UTI (I know, TMI), and the acidophilus can help counteract the effects of the antibiotics I'm on. However, instead of consuming them myself, I ended up taking all of them over to my uncle's house to give to his 15 visiting grandchildren, plus six of my own children. Everyone loved them and the kids thought they were indulging in dessert, when actually, it was just plain ole yogurt on a stick.
Thanks for listening.
What a healthy way to cool down! Children will like this Popsicle!
Oh, this is just easy!
Thanks ;)
EXCELLENT! And I think that Popsicle might even be prettier than the strawberry one from a couple days ago! That pink is positively MARVELOUS!
PS My "paternity test" poll contest results are being posted at noon, so anyone that hasn't voted can still run on over and do so, or check back for the results, PST!
I got a new yogurt drink thing at the store today, made by lucerne, it was good, low call, high fiber, high protein with a ton of vitamins in it. I was pretty impressed- except it cost 99 cents, so I was thinking of just dumping some yogurt and water, or yogurt and milk in the container and reusing it. It would be about the same consistency, and it's still yogurt, so that's not a bad way to intake it, right? I think it might be a good idea! Id much rather drink my yogurt than eat it with a spoon. It's just more fun that way.
I didn't know you had a UTI. I hope you get feeling better. Where do you pickup that wonder ingredient?
BJ, the acidophilus for my Popsicles was already in the yogurt I bought. I used the Activia brand. Just look on the label and it should tell you if it contains the live bacteria. They actually have it at Al Super. However, you can also buy freeze-dried acidophilus at health food stores and add it to your smoothies, drinks, Popsicles or whatever else!
20 popsicles, 15 grandkids and 6 of your kids? i feel like someone did not get a popsicle...
Beth, I was wondering if someone was going to do the math. You are right. The 13-year-old boy did not get a pop. :( I'll make it up to him, though!
This is exactly what I needed to know! I didn't know how they would taste.
Thanks for helping!
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