
I experienced the same emotions with every single pregnancy thereafter. I even sometimes fantasized that after I delivered my baby, the doctor would shout, "Wait! There's something else in there! Okay, push, push....we've got another baby in here!" Nope, just a placenta.
My eighth pregnancy was different. Usually the first sign that God has sent down another little human to us was a late period and tender breasts. This time however, I hadn't been keeping track of my cycles, so I didn't know I was late. The first symptom I experienced was nausea and burping. I knew the feeling well, as it had accompanied me for at least five months of every pregnancy, but I was surprised it had come this early. I went to Walmart with five kids in tow, shouted over the crowd waiting in line at the pharmacy that I needed to know where the pregnancy tests were, tried to ignore the smirks and stares, hid the test in a triple-layered Walmart bag so John wouldn't see it, and tucked it in the back of our bathroom cabinet. When the baby had gone down for a nap and all of the other kids were working on their home school, I went into the bathroom, locked the door and did the deed. I sat the test on the bathroom counter, fixed up my pants and before I could finish buttoning them, a DARK pink line had already appeared in the window. I was shocked at the speed with which the test had registered the good news and I dropped to my knees right there in the bathroom to thank Heavenly Father, through tears of joy, for giving me this new opportunity.
Now, how to tell John. Any way I tried would be anti-climactic. When I had found out I was pregnant with Johnny (my seventh and his first), it was five days before John's 50th birthday and I had been planning for three months that I would tell him I was pregnant with his first child on his fiftieth birthday. Things worked out pretty well, right? I had put the test in two ziploc bags, placed this in a gift bag along with a bib that said "I Love My Daddy", packed it in my suitcase as we would be on vacation in Salt Lake City on his birthday and waited. The wait was excruciating. I felt like he had to be the first one to know and I thought I was going to burst. I wanted to tell anybody, even the grocery store clerk, but I kept my silence for five days.
That long night before his birthday, I had asked him if he would like to stay awake to receive his present at midnight. We had been driving all day with six kids and had retired to an air mattress in the basement of his brother's home and he had no interest in staying up until midnight to receive his present. I magnanimously accepted his decline and stared at the ceiling as he began to snore. Two hours and about twenty-one rotations on the air mattress later, the clock struck midnight and I quietly asked him if he was awake. He didn't answer, so I thougt that perhaps he was awake, but I had just spoken too softly. I asked him again, a little louder. Still no response. I thought I might tap him to make sure he wasn't awake. The taps turned into shoves and he finally responded that he was awake now. "Good," I said. "Now you can open your birthday present!"
...All righty then. My wrists are hurting from pressing against the laptop, one of the babies is crying, and I'm falling asleep....so... I will continue with John's reaction and other interesting anecdotes about my twin pregnancy soon. Surely you understand.
Oh, and remember to get your posts ready (or search your archives) for Homemaker Mondays! Mr. Linky will be up at 6:00 AM Monday morning. I will also announce the winner of the necklace and earrings, so good luck, everybody!
Related posts:
What Having Twins Has Taught Me (Part Two)
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I LOVE THIS POST! I am DYING to hear more and can't wait to hear it...I hate I have to wait till next Saturday! LOL
Ahhh you're totally leavin' us hanging!! Can't wait to hear the rest!
Having had seven pregnancies I know the feeling (no matter how many kids I already had)and the excitement that each one brings. Nothin' like it in the world!
By the way, I love the picture of the twins in the first picture! TOO CUTE! I can see the difference between them....tell me who is who in the picture.
Oooo, can't wait to hear more about the twin pregnancy and everyone's reactions and stuff!
When my husband and I were getting our ultrasound at 20 weeks to see if IT was a boy or girl, and were told IT was actually THEM, Steve jumped up and down and laughed and I threw up in the garbage can...
what a cliffhanger...
The ultrasound thing--filling the bladder moves the uterus up to where its visible.
This is a great post. I have always wanted twins.
Oh the suspense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny that you always wanted twins. I never did, but from the moment I saw them both on the screen (though I was shocked!) I couldn't imagine it any other way and I was thrilled! Goes to show "someone else" knows better what we want/need! :)
I was totally all into the story. I love what I have heard so far can't wait to hear the rest.
I can't wait to hear the end of the story! My sis-in-law just had twins. Each twin weighed 7 lbs as well as the placenta! Isn't that amazing!!
Oh my goodness....I'm hooked and waiting for his response!
waiting for the second part!! well written, fun to read! oh, i dream of twins~ i am jealous of your sleeping spot!!! (even in light of my last few days.)
Diva, the one on the left is Joseph and the one on the right Hyrum.
That was too funny. "The nudges turned to shoves..." too funny!
WHOA! That's exactly how I told my husband a month ago! Pregnancy test in a Ziploc and an "I Heart My Daddy" bib. That's crazy!
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