"Why do you say that?" I asked.
"Because of THESE weird things," he answered, pointing to a spot on my thigh.
"What? These black and white diamonds?"
"Yes. And you look dumb in the purple shirt, too."

Nothing like a boost like that to the self-esteem when you're 12 weeks pregnant with your tenth...and you're as big as your cute little friend who is SEVEN MONTHS pregnant...
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Oh my gosh...He is so funny! Sorry Jen I am still laughing. I guess we could call him the fashion police now. LOL For what it is worth I thought the outfit looked cute.
I guess we'll have to teach the 3 year old about BEAUTY, pregnant women, & hormones......
Love you,
If I could count the times my kids have commented on my bottom. Geez have some mercy on a poor girl. Glad I am not the only one getting criticized by toddlers. LOL
I like the dress :)
Don't you love honest 3 year olds? I really like the dress!
Kids...gotta love 'em...right? right? You are a great teacher for your kids and hopefully they will never grow up and ask perfectly UNPREGNANT women when the baby is due. That drives me BONKERS. I am just a bit fluffy!
Hahahaha!!! =D
Na ja, what can you do but laugh? =)
gotta love kids honesty. My kids have told me before that I have a big butt. Thanks kids....just what I needed to hear!!
I still think you look AMAZING! You can bounce back from ANYTHING!
I so know how you feel ok so I have only had six kids but I know I'm pregnant because my pants don't fit before I am even late.
I like the dress. Enjoy the pregnancy. And the cute things kids say.
Oh my gosh, Lydia, you are so funny! I guess my pants stop fitting at about 6 weeks now! Ridiculous!
He was only criticizing the fabric, not you, and who says a 3 year old boy, is a fashion authority, don't you agree? yes?
awwww . . . kids say the darndest things, lol! :) i think you're adorable!
the great adventure
Okay, I just found you (because you or someone from your blog) visited my blog, and I am always curious as to who is visiting my blog. How do you do it? You are living in MX (my dream) you have a huge family (another dream of mine) and your life seems so calm. I have 1.5 kids and am going crazy trying to keep my house cleaned and healthy food on the table. How on earth do you do it? And by the way, I think that dress is darling, and little 4 year olds are sent to keep us humble, especially when we are getting a little proud. Not to say you are getting proud, but a little taste of humility is always on the menu for me. Keep it up!
I had six pregnancies in six and a half years time - 2 sons - 2 miscarriages - 2 sons. First time around I didn't move into maternity clothes till into my fifth month, much to my aunts dismay. By the sixth one ... I swear the moment of conception my uterous notified my stomich and it went "pop, ready". 8-/
Now every time my stomich is acting up - I can instantaniously look like I am at least three months along (from the last pregnancy - not the first 8-/). Geesh!!
The things we go through for our kids - popping bellies and insults :-p
{yes, I am caught up now o;-p}
I know this is an old post but I just found it and had to tell you about when I was nursery assistant and a 3 year old said to me 'I can tell you're old because your teeth are yellow.' I was 21! I still use whitening toothpaste now.
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