This post is in honor of my beautiful friend,
Rachelle, who is turning 30 today. She is not happy about it, but what she doesn't realize is that this decade could be the best of her life so far! The following is a list of
30 reasons why I've loved my thirties
much more than my twenties. You know that I usually love to include pictures, but I had a deadline (the end of Rachelle's birthday) so I had to forgo that touch. You'll get over it.
1. In my 20's, I was shy. In my 30's I'm not.
2. In my 20's, God gave me 4 children. In my 30's He gave me 5.
3. In my twenties, doctors treated me like I knew very little. In my 30's they respect me.
4. In my 20's, I didn't know I would look cute in short hair. In my 30's I learned I did.
5. In my 20's I thought that the best way to teach was by spanking. In my 30's I learned that there were better ways.
6. In my 20's I thought that I had to have a perfect body to be happy. In my 30's I learned to be happy no matter what my body looked like.
7. In my 20's I knew little about The Book of Mormon. In my 30's I rearranged my priorities and learned about God's word.
8. In my 20's I thought I could never handle loss. I my 30's I learned that I could.
9. In my 20's I thought that one wrinkle was the end of the world. In my 30's I learned that more wrinkles mean more experience and knowledge!
10. In my 20's I was scared of teenagers. In my 30's I grew to love them and realized that there were no more honest people on earth.
11. In my 20's I didn't know how to make churro beans. In my 30's I learned.
12. In my 20's I lived in a series of really small houses. In my 30's I got a larger one.
13. In my 20's we could only afford to go to the dollar movies. In my 30's we could sometimes go to the regular theaters, and get popcorn and Sprite, too.
14. In my 20's I was judgemental. In my 30's I've learned to look for the good in all people and try to ignore the bad.
15. In my 20's I
had to wear heels to church. In my 30's I embraced the Mary Jane and have had fewer back problems.
16. In my 20's I'd never been to Disney Land. In my 30's I went.
17. In my 20's I longed for twins. In my 30's I got them.
18. In my 20's I didn't know how to make fried green tomatos. I my 30's I learned.
19. In my 20's I looked forward to going to the mall. In my 30's I look forward to being a grandma.
20. In my 20's I was afraid to raise my hand in gospel doctrine class. In my 30's I'm not.
21. In my 20's I thought that I would die when one of my children moved away. In my 30's I learned that you miss them, but here is where you experience the REAL fruits of your parental labors.
22. In my 20's I didn't know the importance of keeping the sabbath. In my 30's I learned.
23. In my 20's I didn't know how The Holy Ghost could be a comforter. In my 30's I learned that having The Spirit in times of trial is like anesthesia.
24. In my 20's, I never slept with my babies. In my 30's I grew to love sleeping with them, even two or three at a time!
25. In my 20's I didn't know what a joy it would be to have a son who makes better chocolate chip cookies than I do. In my 30's I learned.
26. In my 20's I didn't know how amazing it would be to read my daughter's poetry and stand in awe of her writing skills. In my 30's I learned.
27. In my 20's I didn't have a teen-aged boy who could fix lots of stuff. In my 30's I do.
28. In my 20's I never knew what it would be like to play the piano while my daughters sing like angels over my shoulder. In my 30's I learned.
29. In my 20's I didn't have a testimony of Family Home Evening. In my 30's I gained one.
30. In my 20's I thought it would reek to turn 30. In my 30's I've calculated, that in 20 years I should have about 30 grandkids. 58 here I come!
Rachelle, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are going to love the next decade! Rachelle also has an amazing foodie blog. Check it out

She has such an astonishing knowledge of the culinary delights now, I can't imagine what she's going to be like as a 30-something! Go Rachelle!