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I have to admit that I didn't actually learn how to fold fitted sheets until a year after I was married. (It's true, Mom. You never taught me.) I learned how to do this from a homemaking expert on the Today Show while my little family of three was living in Germany. The only channel we received was AFN, the Armed Forced Network, so our television viewing was limited, but at least I can say I took this away from it all. Let me add here a thanks to our model, eight-year-old Landon. He was very excited to pose for this post, but as I was attending crying babies between shoots, his arms began to weaken as he held the sheet in the varying poses, thus explaining some of the facial expressions. Thank you, Landon, for being so patient!
Step 1: With the right side of the sheet facing you (that is the side that will eventually be "up" on the bed), place the tips of your fingers into the pockets of the sheet, so that your third finger is at the tip of each seam.
Step 2: Touch the tips of your third fingers to each other, while still in the pockets.
Step 3: Lift the left hand pocket and place it over the right hand pocket.
Step 4: Make it nice and smooth.
Step 5: You will now have a double pocket, with the seams inward. Place this part in your left hand, and put your fingertips into the pocket again, just like before, except this time it will be a double pocket instead of single one. With your right hand, line up the other side of the sheet to get ready for a repeat of the pocket overlapping.
Step 6: Now, so that you will have both of your hands available for the next part, tuck in the finished double pocket under your right arm.
Step 7: Repeat Step 2 with this side of the sheet.
Step 8: Repeat Steps 3 and 4. Notice how Landon still has the first side under his right arm, being safely protected from unfolding.
Step 9: Now hold out both double pockets with your middle fingers at the ends of the seams, as before, but this time, you will have TWO double pockets.
Step 10: Repeat Step 2 again, with the two double pockets.
Step 11: Repeat Steps 3 and 4 again.
Step 12: For the next step, lay the sheet, now folded in fourths, on a flat surface. Fold down the open edge (opposite you) so that it is even with the 45-degree angle seam on the right.
Step 13: Repeat this process with the open edge on the right side, again making sure that the open side nearest you is even with the 45-degree angle seam.
Step 14: Now grab the side nearest you and bring it up to the side opposite you, folding it in half.
Step 15. Repeat Step 14, folding it in half again.
Step 16: Next, with your left hand in Karate Kid stance, place it in the middle of the sheet and with your right hand, grab the left side and fold it over your hand, to the right. This maneuver ensures that no excess fabric will bunch up in the middle, preventing a flat finished product.
Step 17: Do one more smoothing and you are finished!
Now, I know these 17 steps seem complicated, and perhaps even grueling, but trust me, with diligent practice you can get your folding time down to under one minute. I timed myself this morning and clocked in at 58 seconds. Happy folding!
P.S. I know that the worded explanations were a bit confusing, but hopefully the photos and yellow arrows did the trick. If it's too confusing, let me know!
WOW is right! Thanks Jen. I had 3 to fold the other day, and they are in a big pile right now, so I will have to try folding them- when I have some time and patience-or else they will end up back in a pile on the floor. Ha, thanks! (And good job Landon- you were a great model)
I've got to practice that one. Thanks for the helpful hints.
Great "how to"! But if I know myself I probably won´t be folding them that way.... :) (I´m just messy that way) But I enjoyed watching Landon do it. Did he do it "willingly" or was he offered some kind of incentive....?
Wow! I've been married 20+ years and I've never learned how to fold a fitted sheet until today! Very useful information. I think I'll be checking your blog out to see what else I can learn. Thanks for sharing your homemaking knowhow.
That is AWESOME! I am going to try it out!! THANK YOU!!! Right now my fitted sheets are in big wods!
Maybe I will go fluff them in the dryer & fold them the Right Way!!♥
I don't know what I'm more impressed with, how cool and neat it is to see a fitted sheet fold up like that, or that your son (I'm assuming) folded it. NOW that is talent! He's going to make some woman VERY HAPPY one day!!
I will have to read this again next time I fold one- I have been married 10 years and didn't know there was a way to do this. Love the design at the top of your blog! :)
I love Landon as your model!
ha! That was hiLArious. not the sheet folding part, the part about Landon's arms weakening and his face in step number 10...
my little buddy is so cute!
Landon did a great job and the sheet looked like a machine folded it! Good job, Landon!!
I hate folding fitted sheets, and even when I do it like you mentioned they still come out all lumpy and gross looking. I guess it's about making sure you're careful and paying attention instead of just going through it as fast as you can.
The looks your son is giving you are priceless!
~ Sarah
I don't think we've ever met, so 1. nice to meet you and 2. you are AMAZING! (I can say that with pride since we're both Whettens!) I am now off to find a fitted sheet and practice- they're usually in the back of the closet because I'm so embarrassed they always look bad!
Oh please, just roll them up and shove them in the closet already :)
I can NEVER do this right. Thanks for the tutorial!
Wow! This is great! Would you like to submit this as a guest post on HowToMe.com? I think our readers would really enjoy this. I know I did :-)
(seen in Carnival of Family Life)
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Well, I will admit I sort of roll them over one arm, and keep rolling like an old persion rug with a body stuffed inside, then I shove it into the linen closet.
I suppose I shall have to practice your technique!
You don't even want to see my linen closet lol. I purposely try to only have one set of sheets for each bed so that way you wash and put right back on the bed. No folding lol!
Your son did a great job with that and you too of course lol
Thanks! I have tried to do that for years. I never fold them the same way twice. Your son's face was priceless in several of the shots. Blessings to you!
I know how to fold a fitted sheet, and I've even done so a few times, but since I rarely get around to getting my clean laundry folded I don't do it often. I guess I really should try to do it more often. It would make it easier to find the sheets that I need if they are folded and in the closet rather than crumpled at the bottom of a laundry basket.
That one's going to require some practice on my part....
Wow! I never knew how to fold them. They always are a sore spot with me.
You mean you just can't roll it up in a ball and put it in the closet?
Stop by my tackle for a continuation of the front porch remodel!
Can I just borrow your assistant??? This really is the best way to fold the fitted sheets, no I just need to get into the habit of storing them in the pillow case!
The Frugal Momma
Wow! I didn't even know it was possible!! I guess you learn something new every day...
Cute post - I love your sheet folding demonstrator! I still struggle with this one.
p.s. I am the youngest of ten children
That's awesome! I always wondered how people did that. :)
I hope I can remember how to do it!
Oh my gosh! I think I'd have better success changing a tire. haha! I will try these steps though...I am horrible at folding fitted sheets. I usually ask my husband to do it. :)
Folding a fitted sheet is easy. Step 1 grab sheet anywhere you wish. Step 2 wad sheet up in a ball like shape as tightly as you can in a rolling/tumbling motion. Step 3 take wadded up sheet and jam it as best you can in a drawer with the other wadded up sheets (use the dead wait of your body as needed to increase your stuffing chances). Step 4 forcefully close the drawer (using you leg in a kicking motion can be helpful. But too much force can damage drawer, so this part is more of an art form then a general technique).
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