The following is a manly tip I learned from my brother. I will call him Bunky, in order to protect the innocent (or not so innocent). (He is hugging a No Smoking sign because he has been smoke free since June 8, 2008! Go Bunky!) This is a technical tip and I will butcher the explanation, but you will see the merit of this tip in a minute. Let's talk about remotes. When I am visiting my parents, after we become weary of interacting with each other, we will decide that it is time to turn on the TV. The one who suggested it will usually start looking from the coffee table to the end tables, then back to the coffee table, but the remote will be nowhere in sight. One by one, we will get up and start looking for it, and probably spend the next half hour looking under couches and between cushions, pondering who could have lost it...again.

During this process, we never actually consider manually turning on the TV ourselves. What has civilized society come to? And what to do when the battery gives out? How do we even KNOW when the battery gives out?

Here's how: When the remote control is working, a little tiny light, invisible to the human eye, emits from the little tiny bulb that points to the TV. If the batteries are dead, this light will be nonexistent. But, if we can't see the light in the first place, how will we know when it's not there? This is what you do: look through your phone camera or digital camera at the little tiny light bulb as the remote is facing you. Press any button and your camera will pick up this light! Like this!

Try this! It's amazing! I know, I'm using a lot of exclamation points! But this has brought new hope to me. Now I shall never again look confusedly at the remote, pointing and clicking, then turning it over in my hands, then checking to make sure the kids haven't removed the batteries again for their remote control cars, then pointing and clicking again. I am a new woman! Thanks for the tip, Bunky!
Or you can just yell at your 14 yr old son to please figure it out and QUICK...My fav show is about to start!
You're contest looks totally cool. I'm a bit too retarded (or lazy...or both) to do all those steps to enter but I can't wait to see who the winner is!
p.s. My friend did my blog page and header using some online scrapbooky stuff. Glad you liked it. Sorry I don't know more. All I know is my friend ROCKS!
You can turn the most mundane comments into the most interesting blogs! How do you do it (and when? - oh yeah, you were up late last night - I remember..........).
Love, your bleary eyed hubby.....
Oh this was so helpful and so FUNNY at the same time! I am an exclamation point! LOL I even did a post about it!
Thanks for the information! I will sure try it-one day-when I can find the remote!
By the way, I haven't entered your contest because I am not that homemakee any more! So that's the reason you don't see my entry!
HA HA HAAAAAAA! you are hilarious!!! i love it!!!!
Love it...I love you thoughts on everyday things. They are hilarious!
I am going to try this. Kudos to Bunky for figuring this out. It is too funny how we don't turn on the tv without the remote.
just wanted to let you know...i changed my blog address to
see ya there ♥
LOL! I think the 'hunt the remote' is a nation wide event. Also the pointclickpointclick-shake-pointclickpointclick-open wiggle batteries around-pointclick. Remember when we HAD to use a dial on the tv-no remote. How did we survive? Ah...those were the days.
Well that just makes sense! But why didn't I think of that? I guess it takes a male mind - you know - the logic side. I would just assume that it was broken;) You are too fun Jen...I am in EP and Toria is wishing that Kyla was here to go to BB camp with her...we really need to coordinate next year
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